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Las CC del castillo de la fama. Laberinto contra fortuna. Siguese la linea de los emperadores de Alemania… Motes y glosas.


Joan Joffre (Printer)

Origin: Valencia, XVI c.
Biblioteca Nacional de España.

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Facsimile. Old Books. Collection of Incunabula and Old Books.

14 x 20 cm.
65+3 crd.
130+6 crd.
4th January 1520.
13th Juny 2002.
Parchment on wooden board.
Presentation dust jacket cloth lined with gold engraved leather spine containing facsimil.
Numbered by notary and signed by the printer-publisher.
Specially made laid paper.
Optional: Study in Spanish: author yet to be determined. Included in
Bibliofilia Antigua IX.
Unnumbered sheets. Text in Castilian, except for a brief " Exhortatio ad lectorem" and a copy at the end of the work. Gothic script in two font sizes. Charles the 5th shield on the title page. Xylographic engraving, framed by six parts, illustrating a writer in his study. Two different watermarks from the printer. Engraved initials.

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On the title page, the full title tells us: Las CC. del castillo de la fama compuestas por el licenciado Alfonso Albares Guerrero jurista: dirigidas al muy alto y serenissimo y catholico Emperador don Carlos rrey de rromanos y de las Españas semper augusto (The CC. of the castle of the fame, written by the graduate Alfonso Albares Guerrero, a man of law: directed to his Royal Highness the Grand and serene semper augusto Don Carlos, king of the Romans and of Spain). But this title doesn't remind us of all the rich content of the book. Some other interesting texts have to be read, they are not announced on the title page: Las cincuenta del laberinto contra fortuna of the same author, a work also dedicated to Charles V, followed by Siguese la linea de los emperadores de Alemania: después que el imperio passo en los germanos... that is to say, it is a genealogy from the Emperor Oton I, and the work is completed at the end of the volume, placing, just in front of the colophon, a curious text, as “Un theologo muy grande amigo del auctor, le embio este mote: compuesto por el, y el auctor lo gloso y se lo embio", (a very important theologist, a good friend of the writer,  sent him this letter, and the writer took it into his gloss and used it).

The theologist's letter, a friend of Alfonso Álvarez Guerrero said:

"Mira bien de lo passado
lo que esperas"
(look at what's happened and of what you are expecting)

and his gloss is as follows:

"cuando mas muestre halago
el mundo y mas dulce calma
el tiempo turbio aziago
del mal passado y estrago
se imprima dentro en el alma.
Y en bonança no oluidado
tal daño según lo vieras
con seso diestro auisado
Mira bien de lo passado
lo que esperas".

The author encourages us to enjoy his glosses, offering 4 lessons of the author. “Todo lo vende el sufrir", "El seso es camino llano", "No ay mal que yguale a la fuerza", y, "Nunca se perdio el bien hecho".

The author wrote his work because he thought "la fama de los nuestros estar casi obumbrada y cubierta con el velo de las tinieblas del olvido: y ansi mesmo los grandres y excelentes hechos de los estraños en noticia y memoria de pocos, por la diversidad de las lenguas y por la confusión de tantos auctores que sus vidas y hechos escrivieron en tanto numero y volumenes de libros", (the fame of our people was almost forgotten and covered by a veil of the mists of time forgotten: and also the great and excellent facts of unknown people and the lost memories of people, because of the languages diversity, because of, as well, the confusion of many authors whose lives and facts were reflected in many books). Yesterday's and today's reasons which justified the writing of this book and now its facsimile edition.

IBIC Rating:

AC History of art / art & design styles
ACN History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600
ACND Renaissance art
AFF Drawing & drawings
AFH Prints & printmaking
AFJ Other graphic art forms
AFT Decorative arts
AGH Human figures depicted in art
AGR Religious subjects depicted in art
DCF Poetry by individual poets
DNF Literary essays
DSBD Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
HBJD European history
HBLH Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700
HBTG Genealogy, heraldry, names & honours
HPCB Western philosophy: Medieval & Renaissance, c 500 to c 1600
HPQ Ethics & moral philosophy
HRA Religion: general
HRAX History of religion
HRC Christianity
HRCC2 Church history
HRCC7 Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church

1D Europe
1DSE Spain
1DSET Valenciana, Autonomous Community
2ADD Valencian
3JB c 1500 to c 1600