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Bibliofilia antigua IV.

Francisco CALERO (Author)

Vicent Josep ESCARTÍ I SORIANO (Author)


Marinela GARCÍA SEMPERE (Author)

José María LÓPEZ PIÑERO (Author)


Hans Joachim KOPPITZ (Prologue)

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ISBN 10:
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Main theme:

Studies. Collection of incunabula
20,5 X 27,5 cm.
Half simil leather gold engraved.
Includes the reproductions of many prints.

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Compilation book written in Spanish of the studies and comments corresponding to each of the facsimiles published in the Fourth Plan of the Collection of Incunabula and Ancient Books.

Each study has been carried out by an author according to the following index:

• “Prólogo”, by Hans Joachim Koppitz.

• “Breve compendio de la sphera y de la arte de navegar”, by Vicente Escartí Soriano, Professor of the Faculty of Philology of the Universitat de València.

• “Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo”, by Daniel Martín Arguedas, Bachelor of Hispanic Philology from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.

• “Historia de la Passió de N. S. Jesu Christi en cobles”, by Antoni Ferrando Francés, Professor of the Faculty of Philology of the Universitat de València.

• “Obra a llaors de sent Cristofol”, by Francisco Calero, Professor, senior lecturer of the UNED-Madrid.

• “Tractado de las drogas y medicinas de las Indias Orientales, con sus plantas debuxadas al vivo por Christobal Acosta, medico y cirujano, que las vio ocularmente y tratado del elephante”, by José María López Piñero, Former Head of the Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Históricos de la Ciencia of the Universitat de València.

IBIC Rating:

AC History of art / art & design styles
ACN History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600
ACND Renaissance art
AFF Drawing & drawings
AFH Prints & printmaking
AFJ Other graphic art forms
AFT Decorative arts
AGH Human figures depicted in art
AGN Animals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & seascapes, etc)
AGR Religious subjects depicted in art
DCF Poetry by individual poets
DNF Literary essays
DSBB Literary studies: classical, early & medieval
DSBD Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
FC Classic fiction (pre c 1945)
HBJD European history
HBJF Asian history
HBLA Ancient history: to c 500 CE
HBLC Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500
HBLC1 Medieval history
HBLH Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700
HBTM Maritime history
HBTP Historical geography
HPCB Western philosophy: Medieval & Renaissance, c 500 to c 1600
HPD Non-Western philosophy

HPQ Ethics & moral philosophy
HRA Religion: general
HRAX History of religion
HRC Christianity
HRCC2 Church history
HRCC7 Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
HRCM Christian theology
HRCS Christian spirituality & religious experience
JFCA Popular culture
JFCX History of ideas
MBN Public health & preventive medicine
MBX History of medicine
MMG Pharmacology
PDX History of science
PGC Theoretical & mathematical astronomy
PST Botany & plant sciences
PSV Zoology & animal sciences
RBP Meteorology & climatology
TRLN Navigation & seamanship
VFD Popular medicine & health
WCS Antiques & collectables: books, manuscripts, ephemera & printed matter
WSSN Boating
WSSN3 Sailing

1D Europe
1DSE Spain
1DSEA Andalucia, Autonomous Community
1DSEC Aragón, Autonomous Community
1DSEH Castilla y León, Autonomous Community
1DSET Valenciana, Autonomous Community
1DST Italy
1F Asia
1FK Indian sub-continent
1FKA India
1QS Oceans & seas
2ADS Spanish
3D BCE to c 500 CE
3H c 1000 CE to c 1500
3JB c 1500 to c 1600