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Phone: (+34) 96 369 15 89
(+34) 627 596 573
E-mail: Vicent García Editores, S.A.
Who we are and what we do since 1860. Mission: In Vicent Garcia Editores, our mission is to promote the conservation, research and dissemination of bibliographic heritage, giving priority to the most rare and significant books for Humanity. This is why we publish facsimile reproductions of these copies in collaboration with public and private conservative libraries, using the best technology available at the time in our workshops. At the same time, and according to our sources in Valencia (Spain), we also work for the release of our cultural Valencia identity. Philosophy: We firmly believe that books will continue to be irreplaceable in the transmission of knowledge, as an aid to voicing opinion and a safeguard to man's freedom by stimulating and exercising the reader's imagination. The books listed in our catalogue are facsimiles of manuscripts, codex, incunabula and old books: the original works -sole copies in some cases- being understood to belong to the heritage of mankind. On the third millennium, in the belief that good books will remain in the hands of a chosen few, we want our editions to be a tribute to the printers and publishers of bygone ages. We strive to make each volume that comes off our presses a gem prized by collectors and the world's greatest libraries alike. True to our family's traditions and beliefs, we too, the fifth generation of this family of printers and publishers, are now dedicated members of the printing and publishing world. |
Origins. -Printing Press: By 1860, the Vicent Garcia family begins its printing work at Printing Press Segarra, in calle del Medio, 53, Castellon (Spain). |
Origins. -Editorial: Vicent García Editores was founded in 1974 in the city of Valencia (Spain), by Ricardo J. Vicent, master printer and publisher, who was trained in graphic arts schools in Germany. |
Brief Biography of the founder Ricardo J. Vicent. |
Since his earliest days, Ricardo J. Vicent has been a great admirer of Gutenberg and his marvellous invention. He was born in the ancient city of Valencia, a city steeped in history where printers were traditionally the aristocracy amongst craftsmen. Generation after generation of printers and publishers in his family, since 1860, have made the printshop part of their home and the very soul of family life. He took part in daily activities at the printer's from a tender age where he enjoyed composing, making up pages and using the little Boston press. As he grew, he helped his father with lithography, the press, stone and printing plate. He was particularly fascinated by colours and delighted in combining plain backgrounds, four colour reproductions and different fonts in his relentless search for nuances to embellish or improve printed matter. As a youth, he was an apprentice in Germany in the great printing machinery factories and the best graphic arts companies, each with their own technical colleges and departments. The German printing industry incorporated skill and state-of-the-art technology into what had previously been a vocation. Currently, he is academic in the Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana (Royal Academy of Valencian Culture) and in the Real Academia de Bellas Artes San Carlos (Saint Charles Royal Academy of fine Arts). |
The world's highest award: The Gutenberg Prize. |
Ricardo J. Vicent has been active as a printer and publisher constantly from 1959 to 1994, during which time the books published by the team of printers under his management have received worldwide acclaim. The many distinctions awarded to Ricardo J. Vicent by the printing and publishing world include the noteworthy City of Mainz award in 1992 and the Gutenberg Award from the International Gutenberg Society. |
Museo Nacional de la Imprenta y de las Artes Gráficas de España. |
In 1987, Ricardo J. Vincent founded the National Museum of Printing Press in order to illustrate the visitor about the evolution of printing and books from Gutenberg to the present; from the manuscript codex to more modern printings, through the incunabula and rare books. It is located at the Royal Monastery of El Puig de Santa Maria, in the town of El Puig (Valencia, Spain), and was donated to the Valencia in 2000. As Ricardo J. Vicent likes to say: "José Huguet Chanzá, with his "Huguet file", Gonzalo Sales, of Farinetti, and Vicent García Editores were the key for the foundation of the Museo Nacional de Imprenta de España (National Print Museum of Spain)". |
Sculptures ceded by Ricardo J. Vicent to El Puig small city (Valencia). Click on the image to enlarge. |
Ricardo J. Vicent. Some books. |
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Vicent García Editores, S.A. - C./ Guardia Civil, 22. Torre 3ª, piso 1º, 3ª - 46020 Valencia - España - Tel.: (+34) 963 691 589 - (+34) 627 596 573 - Fax.: (+34) 961 119 020 - E-mail: Vicent García Editores, S.A.